The Technology

Our Technology helps you see more and dig deeper

Powerful unfragmented Digital Health Monitoring for a Holistic View to help you reach of your goals and Empowerment in Healthcare

We monitor you with the world's most advance fitness and healthcare monitoring system

See the bigger picture of your health

We provide the most integrated access to your healthcare data. Get access to healthcare data from Biomedical testing, real time body function monitoring and more to empower you to make precise, well-informed choices regarding your fitness strategy and lifestyle management.

Bio Body Track™ system is with the worlds most innovative and integrated fitness and healthcare system

Bio Body Track™ - One System that does it all, we deliver the whole picture of your health

Monitoring your health at this level with your fitness at this level has been impossible - until now. Bio-Medical Fitness is the only service that provides all the biometrics and biomedical data for you to truly manage your health.

The technology that tracks and monitors your Bio Medical Fitness

All-Encompassing Advance Wearable Monitoring

Monitoring from steps and sleep to body temperature and stress, everything you need for a comprehensive health tracking experience.

Heart & Vital Stats:
Precise monitoring of heart rate, ECG recording, blood oxygen (SpO2) levels, body temperature, and blood pressure for complete cardiovascular insights.

Outdoor & Exercise Precision:
Built-in GPS for pinpoint outdoor activity tracking, accompanied by specialized workout and exercise modes for diverse activities.

Sleep & Wellness Insights:
Detailed analysis of sleep quality, duration, type, stress tracking, and management to ensure mental well-being.

Holistic Health Overview:
Access both daily and historical health data summaries for a complete look at your wellness journey.

Heart Monitoring:
Heart rate and Heart rate values, ECG (Electrocardiogram) recording

Durable & Resilient:
Water-proof Bio Body Track device designed for any environment.

Daily Activity Tracking:
Comprehensive recording of steps, distance, and calories burned.

Menstrual Health Tracking:
Stay informed with menstrual cycle tracking features.

Bio Medical Fitness Body Composition Monitoring

Dive deep into your body's metrics, understanding everything from muscle mass to bone density with unparalleled precision.

Dynamic Progress Tracking:
Make adjustments at each milestones with detailed trend analysis and adapt your strategies based on real-time body composition changes.

Muscle vs. Fat:
Understand the distribution and quality of muscle and fat in your body, helping you tailor your fitness and nutrition strategies.

Hydration Tracking:
Monitor your body's hydration levels, ensuring you maintain the perfect balance for optimal performance and health.

Diet Optimization:
By understanding your body's visceral fat and muscle quality, optimize your diet to ensure the best nutrient intake for your unique composition.

Instant BMI Calculation:
Stay informed about your Body Mass Index, tracking your progress towards health goals with ease.

Bone Density Insights:
Get a clear picture of your bone health, essential for athletes and those focusing on long-term wellness.

Body composition reports:
Generate Ultra detailed PDF reports and share them.

Metabolism Monitoring:
Learn about your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and metabolic age, helping you adjust diet and exercise routines for maximum efficiency.

Easy to use and access data for tracking and monitoring blood glucose

Stay constantly informed with immediate updates on your blood glucose levels, empowering better health and fitness outcomes. Boost your wellness journey and achieve optimal fitness goals with accurate data at your fingertips.

Instant Glucose Feedback:
Get real-time data on your blood glucose levels, ensuring you're always informed.

Sports Drink Impact:
Understand how sports drinks affect your training and muscle performance, making informed hydration choices.

Dietary Response Analysis:
Understand how different foods impact your blood sugar, enabling personalized dietary choices.

Diet & Exercise Harmony:
Optimize the synergy between your diet and workouts for maximum benefits.

Exercise Glucose Tracking:
Identify which exercises and methods influence your glucose consumption for optimized workouts.

Injury & Muscle Risk Prevention:
Stay proactive with insights that help prevent potential injuries and muscle-related risks.

Achieve Healthier A1c Levels:
Monitor and aim to reduce your A1c levels for long-term blood sugar control.

Nutrient Impact Analysis:
Monitor the effects of your overall diet and specific nutrients on your blood sugar levels.

The world's most advance gut test with your service

Optimal sports performance isn't just about muscle strength and endurance; it's about ensuring your body has the right nutrients at its disposal. Your gut plays a pivotal role in synthesizing essential vitamins, like Vitamin K for bone health and certain B vitamins for energy metabolism. An efficient gut-vitamin synthesis process means more natural energy, better bone density, and faster recovery times. By nurturing your gut health, you're directly fueling your athletic performance, ensuring you're always at the top of your game.

Fuel Your Athletic Drive with Consistent Energy:
Harness the gut's role in synthesizing B vitamins like B12, B7, and folic acid for efficient conversion of food into glucose. Achieve sustained energy levels and hit peak performance every time.

Maximized Nutrient Uptake for Elite Performance:
Benefit from a harmonized gut flora, ensuring proficient food breakdown and absorption. Extract the most from every vitamin, mineral, and crucial nutrient to power your athletic endeavors.

Fortify Bone Health & Accelerate Injury Recovery:
With the gut's synthesis of Vitamin K, ensure enhanced calcium binding for robust bone health, minimized fracture risks, and rapid healing of minor injuries. Stay strong, and bounce back faster.

Unlock Performance Insights with Essential Gut Tests:
Take a holistic approach by integrating gut health monitoring into your regimen. Gain invaluable insights into nutrition, training, and recovery to always stay a step ahead of the competition.

Tailored Diet Plans for Personalized Excellence:
Dive deep into your unique gut insights and craft bespoke diet plans. Achieve optimal vitamin synthesis and performance with a diet that's uniquely yours.

Combat Inflammation & Achieve Superior Outcomes:
By fostering beneficial gut bacteria, effectively combat inflammation that can hinder muscle recovery. Stay on top of your game, inflammation-free.

Boosted Immune Resilience for Uninterrupted Training:
Capitalize on the gut's contribution to our immune defenses. Through proper nutrient synthesis and absorption, reduce the risk of ailments and ensure consistent training performance.

Rapid Muscle Recovery & Enhanced Growth Awaits:
Optimize the absorption of essential amino acids from proteins through a balanced gut. Experience reduced downtime between rigorous training sessions and enjoy accelerated muscle development.

Our Blood tests are developed with the worlds most advance labs

Dive deep into your body's data with comprehensive blood tests, revealing nutrient balances, inflammation markers, and more. Tailor your training and nutrition with precision, stay ahead of potential issues, and optimize recovery. Collaborate with experts and transform these insights into unmatched performance. Give yourself the edge; success starts from within.

Supplement Efficacy Monitoring:
Assess the effectiveness and absorption of your supplements, ensuring they work in synergy with your body for optimal results.

Inflammation & Organ Health Check:
Detect inflammation, infections, and gauge the efficiency of critical organs like the liver and kidneys, especially crucial when using performance enhancers like steroids.

Insightful Fitness Feedback & Learning:
Dive deep into results and understand the internal effects of your fitness regimen through our state-of-the-art technology and intuitive dashboard.

Intuitive Health Monitoring & Optimization:
Seamlessly monitor, analyze, and elevate your health. Navigate your well-being journey with ease using our user-friendly dashboard and comprehensive blood reports.

Proactive Healthcare & Medication Monitoring:
Leverage your blood test insights for predictive healthcare management. Discuss with professionals, oversee medication effects, refine dietary choices, and ensure your biomarkers remain in the desired range.

Advanced Biomedical Fitness Testing:
Benefit from tailor-made fitness tests, meticulously crafted to monitor over 50 vital biomarkers pre and post-training. Get accurate information on your real progress from inside.

Customized Biomarker Analysis:
Revel in the precision of individualized blood biomarker assessments, fine-tuned to cater to specific medical conditions and health aspirations.

Lifestyle Impact Evaluation:
Gain a clear understanding of how your lifestyle choices, from diet to exercise, influence your biomarkers and overall health, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Understanding your DNA can be a game-changer for your fitness journey

Our DNA test provides insights into your genetic predispositions, revealing how your body responds to different types of exercises, recovery rates, and susceptibility to injuries. Armed with this knowledge, you can tailor your workouts to align perfectly with your genetic makeup, maximizing gains and minimizing injury risks. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, you get a personalized fitness blueprint, enabling you to train smarter, recover faster, and achieve your goals more efficiently.

Empowered Lifestyle Decisions:
Decode genetic risk factors, refine your fitness strategy, and take informed control of your lifestyle and health choices.

Precision DNA Insights:
Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, we offer ultra-precise DNA insights, enhancing your understanding of fitness, health, and nutrition.

Personalized Healthcare Management:
Unlock your genetic blueprint and tailor your health strategies for maximum benefits.

World-Class Technology & Laboratories:
Collaborate with leading labs using cutting-edge technology for unparalleled accuracy.

Data Privacy & Security:
100% confidentiality with encrypted data storage. We prioritize your trust and never share your data.

Integrated Health Dashboard:
A comprehensive 360° dashboard for easy access, reading, and downloading of your DNA reports.

Genetic Risk Assessment:
Receive your potential risk score based on your DNA for a proactive health approach.

Behavioural Insights:
Understand your behavioral do's and don’ts grounded in your unique DNA composition.

BioMed InSights™ global research drives our services and brands

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